CARDINAL is a framework of Organisational Development (OD) developed by EMC. It is an eight steps comprehensive systems approach to develop an organisation to an excellence level. CARDINAL is scientific research based approach which works ona sequence of knowing the symptoms, finding the root cause, providing the right service, applying proven techniques and solving the problem.
We partner with the leadership team to first diagnose and understand the issues and then work closely with the organisation on an eight-step program of OD. At each state, resilience is built to convert positive actions into organizational habits. A continuous balance is sought between people, process and systems to achieve organizational goals, profitability and the intangibles of happiness and trust. The outcome of the program could be module specific, example cost management in line with benchmarks or a long-term process of brand establishment and achieving leadership position. We use proven and scientific management tools at each step ranging from diagnostic, benchmarking, statistical analysis, management models and coaching techniques.
CARDINAL - Model for Organisational Development (OD)

Organisations are built on strong code of conduct and ethical standards. If there are gaps in the conduct at any execution level, the crack will take the whole system down. How to ensure that the foundation is rock solid and can sustain the performance.

Approach of an organisation could be aggressive, innovative, bureaucratic, reactive, process oriented, deal oriented. Approach defines the culture of a company, the "way things are done here". Alignment of culture with the objective drives success.

Reliability is about designing the core of an organisation covering people, processes and systems or technology (PPS) to build reliability of performance and output.

Energising people to perform is the core of a dynamic organisation. Reliability or standardisation needs continuous change and by motivating people that energy is channelled to improve the performance of the organisation.

The part withdrawal of resources, people, cash flow etc from the organisation to find the optimum level is improvement. Reduce variations and remove wastage. Consciously not reacting to everything, but instead choosing how to respond.

New Vision
Development of a new vision is all about leadership. Once a leadership mindset is adopted, it results into positive right actions and pulls organisation towards a leading uncontested market place.

Accomplish the vision by tangible actions. This includes entrepreneurship or pivoting within an establish organisation or brand to leapfrog to a new future. E.g. LEGO transition from plastic blocks to LEGO education and robotics.

Absorption of the company goals by the bigger social purpose so that the social relevance is very high and profitability is a natural byproduct, creates legacy status or the organisation.